Members of Parliament are elected to the House of Commons to represent the interests and concerns of all the people who live in their constituency, whether they voted for them at the General Election or not. They are only able to deal with issues raised by people who live in their constituency, called constituents.
To check if you are constituent of Milton Keynes South, please enter your postcode on the Parliament website .
What Iain Stewart MP cannot do, however, is have any jurisdiction over local Council decisions. He can write on your behalf to the council and ask them to investigate a problem or to reconsider an issue. In the first instance though, constituents should contact their local council or councillor directly.
Iain splits his time between working in Parliament and working in the constituency.
In Parliament, Iain spends his time fighting for the interests of all constituents by attending meetings, lobbying ministerial colleagues and responding to constituents.
In the constituency, Iain spends his time meeting various constituents, businesses and groups to meet his constituents, learn more about what they do and find out how he can help them.
When a constituent writes in, Iain and his team will try and answer the query directly or help where they can. However, should it not be possible to help or at the request of the constituent, Iain can write to the relevant Minister at the Department that is involved to see if they can help.
Iain Stewart MP is a Minister as well as a Member of Parliament and so he is bound by collective responsibility. This is a constitutional convention that means Ministers must publicly support all governmental decisions made in Cabinet, even if they do not privately agree with them. Also, as a Minister, Iain has other rules and procedures that he must abide to.