Reliable and affordable transport links are vital because they provide constituents to access a range of opportunities - education, employment, appointments and leisure. Also, our location gives us the option to travel by car, train or bus to nearby locations with ease. However, habits are changing, and technologies are evolving and that is why we must continue to invest in our connectivity to ensure local residents benefit.
So far, I have been able to achieve:
- Campaigned for the construction of East West Rail
- Fought for the resumption of the Marston Vale Line service
- Secured Government funding for Milton Keynes City Council and Buckinghamshire Council to fix potholes on our local roads
- Rejected the proposals to close train station ticket offices
- Cut Fuel Duty.
As your MP, I want to go further by:
- Seeing the East West Rail line fully operation, starting with trains running between Bletchley and Winslow next year
- Securing an Eastern Entrance at Bletchley Train Station
- Delivering reliable and affordable public transport to local communities
- Ensuring effective and efficient spending of the pothole funding by our local councils