Keeping Our Communities Safe

We all deserve to feel safe in our community but there are those who choose to threaten our safety. These individuals and groups need to be tackled. In Buckingham & Bletchley, we have a brilliant local Police Force and Police & Crime Commissioner who are proactively protecting our neighbourhoods. However, I want to ensure Thames Valley Police has the resources it needs to continue effectively tackling crime.

So far, I have been able to achieve:

  • Recruited 600 more Thames Valley Police Officers since 2010
  • Worked with the Thames Valley Police, Police & Crime Commissioner and Government Ministers to bring about Operation Deter – tackling knife crime
  • Thames Valley Police’s budget increased to £585m, its highest ever level

As your MP, I want to go further by:

  • Increasing further the number of Police officers in Thames Valley Police, and increasing foot patrols so there are more visible patrols in our communities
  • Working with the Police & Crime Commissioner and the local police to ensure they have the resources to protect our communities, attend reports of crime and tackle criminals
  • Supporting local organisations and charities to divert at risk youngsters from being involved in crime