Training People For Tomorrow’s Jobs

The needs of different industries are changing over time, so it is vital local residents are equipped with the right skills for jobs of the future. Milton Keynes has one of the most dynamic economies in the country, with many companies choosing to invest and locate here. For this to continue, we need to make sure the local workforce has the skills employers need. That is why, I am keen Buckingham & Bletchley continues to be an attractive place for businesses to not only locate but to also remain, all whilst supporting existing companies in our area.

So far, I have achieved the following:

  • Opened the South-Central Institute of Technology, training students in digital, cyber and AI fields of study.
  • The world’s first AI Safety Summit was hosted at Bletchley Park, showcasing our area as a hub of innovation and the local potential that can be utilised
  • Increased allocated block funding for our local schools to educate our children

As the MP, I would like to go further by:

  • Lobbying for Milton Keynes to have its own STEM-focused university - MK:U
  • Ensuring the IoT has the resources available to educate the next generation jobs
  • Increasing the number of apprenticeship and further education opportunities in our area